Hanging out on the patio (left to right) Jasper, Emmitt, Ella, and Jensen. We were in a Centering program together- our pre-natal care. All babies were born in Jan. and we have kept in touch with everyone and try to have reunions every month. It has been a great way to make friends with babies since we don't really have any otherwise (in Seattle).

Emmitt got SO excited when we stood him up next to the other babies. He smiled and grabbed for Ella's hands.

Centering friends (and Francios of course)

drinking wine with Mike and Robin


The next few pictures I was trying to capture the long hairs on top of his head. They are so cute and stick up like peacock feathers.

Emmitt practicing sitting up with Francios of course

Business socks (funny if you know the song)

My sweet boys!Emmitt has officially found his thumb.

Emmitt as ummmmmm not sure....wait maybe an artichoke?

Andrea and Jo as a pickle and ummmmm not sure

E and K at the Oyster Bar

We have decided to start taking pictures of our adventures with Francios (the giraffe). Here he is at Emmitt Watson's Oyster bar in the Market.

Sweet guy getting ready for a trip to the market

Emmitt and Uncle Gribas (mom posting blog in background)

Since last post Grandma Jo finished up her visit. It was very hard to say goodbye. We wish all grandparents lived down the block. Having kids will do that I guess! Anyways, we had a wonderful time just hanging out around the house and going for occasional adventures in the city. Emmitt really seemed to connect with his grandma and I'm sure is saying "where did that sweet lady go that just couldn't get enough of me". We miss you Jo! Thanks for everything. The other pictures are a collection of Emmitt around the house looking cute and then some pictures with his Centering friends. Emmitt really got excited about the other babies, especially the sweet little girl Ella. E is getting SO big. He can now sit up on his own (we have to put him in that position first) he grabs for toys and everything else. He no longer sleeps in restaurants but instead is the baby that is banging on the table and throwing things on the ground. I find myself saying "when I was a server would this have pissed me off?". Kevin and I now certainly have an appreciation for kid friendly restaurants that serve good drinks and food- hard to find. Love to you all!
Great post! Emmitt has the bluest eyes - so gorgeous (he takes after his mama)! I would love to join Emmitt and Francois on their adventures around the city: wine, oysters, and funny photos sound great to me!
ReplyDeleteIt's so nice that you have friends to meet up with each month - I'm sure it's very important to connect with others that are having similar experiences with their little ones.
Love you guys!