Sunday, May 30, 2010

Love that smile
Early morning love
Emmitt is now so preoccupied with the camera he stops smiling when you take the picture
passed out during play
Baby and Momma

sweet feet


Snuggling with Grandma

Grandma Jo is here!
Cute rocker

The Jackson's

Grandma Jo came for a visit this week. She and Emmitt have been enjoying each others company quite a lot! He screams/talks to her and she responds with sweet nothings to him. He has found his voice and now practices using it regularly. As you can see in the video he is active, active, active and loves to yell. Sleep update....still sucks! So, I have thrown in the towel and now sleep with Emmitt. I know, I know, you say "that will start bad habits" "he will never leave your bed" "you need to just let him cry". Well, easy for you to say- try working full time nights and then getting no sleep on your days off- I am over it and last night we slept like 2 good sleeping babies! I welcome your opinions and thoughts though! Hope everyone is well! Happy memorial day!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Just a little more spit up----yummy curdled milk- it is the latest scent from baby land perfumery
Fun wouldn't be complete with Emmitt unless spit up and drool were involved
already having fun in the excersaucer
Emmitt- "what the heck is this thing". First time in overwhelming Excersaucer. He is enjoying it quite a lot now.
Emmitt particularly enjoys cold glasses in his mouth- so every time I have a nice frosty beer he wants to suck on the glass. YUMMMMMMM sloppy baby spit glass.
Learning to roll! He's a genius!Now if he could just learn to sleep!
Father and Son- they totally look alike!
Sweet sloppy face- E with K
Emmitt and Francois kissing
Emmitt and his friend Francois- the French Giraffe- Emmitt has learned that Francois's face is great to suck on. When you squeeke Francois Emmitt grabs him and puts his face in his mouth.

Emmitt learning to roll from back to belly- first time caught on tape- to The National's new album playing in the background- fitting since he heard The National repeatedly in the womb.

Tired Emmitt after several rolls Emmitt playing in Excersaucer for first time

Emmitt is officially into his 4th month now. He had his 4 month check up on Wednesday. He now weights 13lbs 14oz and is 24 3/4 inches long. He is still in the 50% for everything except weight, he's between 25-50% for that. The same day he had his Dr's appointment he learned to roll over from his back to belly. There is video of it posted. It was super cute- he kept doing it over and over again until he got tired- there is video of that as well. We are all doing great. Sleep deprived, but great. Enjoy!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Making Emmitt Giggle
One of only 4 pictures we took while G-ma Connie visited
G-ma did bedtime routine every night!
HORRIBLE picture of me- but again only 4 pictures were taken so have to post them!

Grandma put Emmitt down for a nap. When I went to check on him 30 mins later he was not sleeping but playing with his toes- swinging- as happy as can be.


playing with dad

Naked time

This past week grandma Connie visited. It was a wonderful trip! G-ma helped take care of Emmitt while I slept and helped take care of me while I was awake and exhausted. She also helped take care of Kevin who was working 14 hour days and covering the Emmitt night shift by cooking wonderful meals for us and cleaning up the house! She even cleaned the mold off the bathroom walls (on Mother's day). I could not have been happier to have my momma here-definitely needed it. Emmitt had a fantastic time with her as well. They went for walks, pretended they were in Paris(eating baguettes and drinking cafe- okay g-ma was), and played outside. I could tell they both enjoyed each others company quite a lot. G-ma got our bedtime voodoo routines down and became an expert "put Emmitt down for AT LEAST an hour nap". The only bummer was we did not take nearly enough pictures while she was here. Emmitt now is 16 weeks (today!) he is becoming quite a character- laughs a bunch, smiles all the time, and is almost always pleasant. His sleep still sucks, but oh'well! We are having a blast.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Bedtime FUN!
Emmitt is getting CHUBBY! 14 Weeks
Since Emmitt decided he is done sleeping like his newborn self and I have become obsessed with finding ways to get him to sleep longer bedtime has taken on several routines. It is kind of like Voodoo (as a co-worker calls it). I must complete all rituals before Emmitt's head hits the mattress, otherwise no sleep for mom or dad. So, now we have a ritual of naked time right before bath time. It all started one night when Emmitt was getting super fussy, way before bedtime, and I laid him down on the bed naked and he instantly calmed down and started smiling. Now, just when he starts to get fussy (about 30 mins before his scheduled bath time) we lay him on the bed and play. Kevin has started a new game (videos) that Emmitt loves and now that he has found his toes and baby boy parts he has a great time rolling around on the bed, smiling, and talking. It is a fun time of day that ends abruptly when you take him out of the bath and he SCREAMS! Enjoy bedtime fun photos and video!