Emmitt is sitting up on his own now and looks SO cute on the bed
Emmitt like to stick out his tongue and blow- he will imitate you if you do it
Playing with his dad
Emmitt the Buddha
The sun finally shined for a day so we all laid in the yard, Emmitt, Kevin, Percy, and I. These pictures were taken while we played.
Summer has yet to arrive in Seattle so every time there is even a remotely nice day we try to be outside. Some of these pictures are from playing outside. Emmitt is now mastering the art of sitting up on his own and grabbing toys or your face if you get close enough. He looks so cute when he does it and it is fun to sit in front of him and entertain him, instead of behind. He is turning into a little person with a little personality and makes me smile so much my face always hurts. This time I took tons of video mostly because he keeps doing really funny things and I think you all will enjoy them. What can I say he is growing and I swear getting cuter everyday. You be the judge!
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