Just a little more spit up----yummy curdled milk- it is the latest scent from baby land perfumery

Fun wouldn't be complete with Emmitt unless spit up and drool were involved

already having fun in the excersaucer

Emmitt- "what the heck is this thing". First time in overwhelming Excersaucer. He is enjoying it quite a lot now.

Emmitt particularly enjoys cold glasses in his mouth- so every time I have a nice frosty beer he wants to suck on the glass. YUMMMMMMM sloppy baby spit glass.

Learning to roll! He's a genius!Now if he could just learn to sleep!

Father and Son- they totally look alike!

Sweet sloppy face- E with K

Emmitt and Francois kissing

Emmitt and his friend Francois- the French Giraffe- Emmitt has learned that Francois's face is great to suck on. When you squeeke Francois Emmitt grabs him and puts his face in his mouth.
Emmitt learning to roll from back to belly- first time caught on tape- to The National's new album playing in the background- fitting since he heard The National repeatedly in the womb.
Tired Emmitt after several rolls Emmitt playing in Excersaucer for first time
Emmitt is officially into his 4th month now. He had his 4 month check up on Wednesday. He now weights 13lbs 14oz and is 24 3/4 inches long. He is still in the 50% for everything except weight, he's between 25-50% for that. The same day he had his Dr's appointment he learned to roll over from his back to belly. There is video of it posted. It was super cute- he kept doing it over and over again until he got tired- there is video of that as well. We are all doing great. Sleep deprived, but great. Enjoy!
Great videos - thanks for sharing! Emmitt is SUCH a cutie... I want to visit. :(
ReplyDeleteThis child is amazing!!