Monday, November 8, 2010

I love Emmitt!
Portland food carts with Aunt Sara, G-ma Connie, and I. Emmitt had mac n cheese, Guam chicken, and Korean rice. For dinner that night he ate Tamales, guacamole, shredded chicken, and smoked pork. This is one international baby!
Emmitt's new toy "Rody". Kevin spotted it at the toy store and HAD to buy it. Emmitt enjoys the ears most of all. It really is a cute toy.
looking so freakin cute!

Standing tall and making the "ghost face". About a week before Halloween Emmitt started making this face ALL THE TIME. He still does. Not sure what he likes about it, maybe it feels good, but my co-worker suggested he be a ghost for Halloween, after seeing this face.

Oh' did I mention Emmitt can clap. Now when I try to teach him to sign he looks at me, smiles big, and starts clapping. He is so proud of himself.
Emmitt still loves the fridge. You have to shut it super fast because he bee lines it for the open fridge every time! He is more and more brave about his fridge excursions.
"give me that camera"
Kitchen time
relaxin with Dada in the AM
Sweet little bean in the morning
Anyone who knows Kevin, knows which side of the family Emmitt inherited his hair from!

Oh' bath time. Emmitt still LOVES the bath. He pretty much just cruises around the tub with the washcloth in hand or mouth. He likes to drop it on you, you give it back, and then start the process over(not my favorite game). He has very little interest in any actual bath toys. They seem to bore him. He would rather study the fixtures, find shampoo to eat, bang the shower doors and drink washcloth water.
My cute guy, pre-bath
Only shot of "E" with the complete costume on. He HATED the hood and spent the entire time trying to pull it off. He hates anything to be on his head.
Emmitt doing his own thing, as usual. He was the only baby that refused to sit for the picture. Of course he was the only one that could stand(without holding on), cruise, and reach up high.
"get me out of this suit. I can't crawl in it"
Hello, my little monkey!
Not a great shot, playing on the floor at our good friend's house. Common Kitchen items are always a good way to entertain "E", for like 5 mins.

Typical meal with Emmitt. He gets dirty!

HE WALKS! Well, he doesn't really walk very far. He takes a few steps here and there, still it is the beginning of a whole new "step" in Emmitt's life. I am so excited for him, but also pretty freaked out. It seems it has all gone way too fast. He took his first "official" steps from Kevin to me on November 1st, although he had taken a step or two between the couch and coffee table before then. He looks so cute and a bit small to be walking. On October 20 he turned 9 months. He is now well on his way to 10 months. He had his 9mth appointment and turns out he isn't as big as he looks, only 30% for height and weight. He now weighs 17lbs 13ounces and is 27 inches long. Emmitt has 4 teeth. 2 small bottom front and two large upper front that are just really starting to come in. He has started to say mamamamamamama and dadadadadadadad, indiscriminately. Although, sometimes I swear he is looking at me when he says Mamamamamamama, hanging on my leg. He is super vocal, loves to scream, yell, point, laugh, and whine. In fact, he has really perfected his whine recently(we were lucky enough to hear this in the car from Seattle to Portland for 2 1/2 hours. Emmitt refused to sleep for more than 30 mins and was unhappy about his car seat the rest of the time). In baby sign he knows "more" and can play "where is Emmitt" by putting a blanket over his head. When Emmitt gets REALLY tired he puts his hands behind/over his ears, it is very sweet. Emmitt will occasionally wave goodbye. He loves to read books and hear animal sounds. His favorite sounds are Monkeys, Pigs, and cats. Recently, we went to Portland for a family wedding and Emmitt got to see his aunt Sara and G-ma Connie. He wowed them with his moves, his interest in eating anything you do, and his mild manner (even when extremely sleep deprived and overwhelmed). Emmitt is a doll. He is independent, determined, opinionated, calm, happy, and entertaining. We scored with this guy, now if he could just slow it down a little, Momma would be happy!


  1. Yaye, a new post! Oh, Emmitt, you are by far one of the cutest little boys I know! I am happy to hear that you're (sorta) walking... WOW! You're so advanced... leaving all of your peers in the dust, way to go! I bet that your mama is both thrilled and scared for this new chapter in your life. Now she will really have to be on her toes.

    Sending love over the Rockies!

  2. I love reading your blog and being reminded of all the milestones, that I swore I could never forget, but as the years roll by they slowly fade into the background as the bigger milestones take place. Enjoy your time with your baby turning into a toddler and all the goodness that comes along with it! Love you.
