More videos to come. Having technical difficulties. Just wanted to get this post up today.
Gosh, I love this guy!

My beautiful baby boy. Hanging out at Golden Gardens with the geese. (he was trying to eat goose poop!)
Getting into stuff, what Emmitt does
Okay, this was my idea (I thought it would be a funny picture) grandpa bob was not amused. Emmitt just wanted to eat the rocks.
The ballard docks with grandpa
REI with grandpa Bob( pretty much always a must. when g-pa bob visits)
Gosh, I love this guy!
Like father, like son.

Emmitt forcing his way into my fruit smoothie - He hated baby food. He LOVES regular food, especially if I am eating it.
Emmitt relaxing with a baba
Yes, he still loves the sink. Sink time during snack time.
Yummmmmm, nectarine
Farmers market with Grandpa Bob. Emmitt loves to eat nectarines, peaches, pears, and apples. At the market they give free samples. Emmitt grunts to get samples and then wants to eat the fruit (must be whole, not just a piece) with you. When the fruit is gone he gets quite upset. On this occasion he continued to be upset for so long we decided to leave. He is a strong willed little boy. I am screwed when 2y/o times come around.
still eatin puffs

Eatin puffs, he LOVES them. They get stuck to his little hand, so he sticks his whole hand in his mouth to get them off. They usually fall off before he actually gets them in his mouth.
Eatin puffs, he LOVES them. They get stuck to his little hand, so he sticks his whole hand in his mouth to get them off. They usually fall off before he actually gets them in his mouth.
Happy 9 month birthday Emmitt! He turned the big 9 months old on October 20th. Over the past few weeks Grandpa Bob visited. We had a wonderful time and he did a great job of being nanny grandpa. Emmitt was enthralled with him by day 2. Many thanks to grandpa bob for all his help and wonderful company. Emmitt has now learned to clap and does this for every request (example "how big is Emmitt (he is supposed to put his hands up in the air, which he has done a few times) instead he starts clapping and smiles at you). He has continued to perfect his crawling moves over the past few weeks. He can now stand for longer periods of time, has pushed himself up to standing from sitting (without having to push off on something), and moves lightening fast. I really think it is only a matter of weeks before he is taking his first steps. This seems crazy when you see him in person because he still is a little guy. To picture him walking is frightening, although he LOVES his independence. I keep meaning to write to him, in either a letter or journal form, about what an independent guy he is and has been since birth. I remember even when he was only a day old he wanted to be held so he could hold up his head, at 4 weeks old wanted to be held standing, never really liked to snuggle that much, and has been on this mission to reach milestone after milestone ahead of the game. He no longer enjoys nursing (unless it is in the middle of the night), as he would rather be facing out to see the world and all the action going on. He doesn't want to be held facing you, only facing out. He hated baby food, yet LOVES to feed himself and will eat almost anything you give him, as long as he can put it in his mouth. Bananas are now a favorite ( he hated them pureed). Emmitt continues to adore bath time, loves to go for walks, continuously tries to beat you into the forbidden laundry room(he is fast and can hear the door from the other room), thinks it's funny to crawl around the bed trying to get away from you while naked(our NEW naked time), loves to touch his fish mobile (his little face lights up when he gets to touch it), LOVES LOVES the lap top, and laughs at his own burps (this cracks me up). He seems to be healthy and is definitely happy, evidenced by his laughter, great smile, and sweet hugs.
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