Thursday, February 11, 2010

What a sweet boy!

G-ma Strayer got to be part of the shoot. She is so good at making him smile! I think he is admiring her.

Emmitt was so chill during this part. He just laid there and looked right at Coco. He even hid his "parts" as Coco requested.

Emmitt waiting for his big photo shoot debut.
This was a picture taken before Emmitt attended his first party with his friends from our centering group. We had to dress him extra cute of course! Thanks Auntie Sara for the cute sweater suit.

Our good friend Coco, a photographer, offered to do a photo shoot of Emmitt when he is still small. Emmitt did great. He looked right at Coco and didn't cry until the very end, when he'd had it with being naked and changed a million times. The pictures turned out great. Here are some pictures we took during the photo shoot. Emmitt is clearly a natural model (spoken like a true mother)! Ha ha!


  1. What a natural model, indeed! Emmitt is SO freaking adorable you guys. Andrea, you look fantastic... completely in love with being a mother, how wonderful! And Kevin, you make a pretty good model yourself! Love to you over the Rockies...

  2. I love them all! But my fave is the first one with the three of wonderful=)And I like is sweater suit as well!
