Monday, February 8, 2010

Okay- here it is the g-ma Smile!

Just because I think it is a cute picture
I think Kevin is in love!
So Sweet!

Everything continues to go great with Emmitt. He is tricking us I think by sleeping most of the night. At 18 days old he has yet to pull the "surprise, I am really a night owl". So we will soak it up while we can. Grandma is having a great time. She is officially the pooh diaper changer. Here are some more sweet pictures of our boy! Thanks for all the great comments- we love you all and can't wait for you to meet Emmitt.


  1. What a great post! All of the pictures are perfect and give us an insight to what a sweet personality Emmitt already possesses. I love how when they are so teeny they will suck on anything! Goes to show how dependent they are on us for survival. You are so right, Kev is totally in love!

  2. Love the one of him smiling! SO cute.
