Big day for Emmitt- first bottle. Emmitt has to get used to having a bottle when I go back to work so Dad was able to give a bottle for the first time. Emmitt had no issues chugging the bottle and Kevin was able to bond in a whole new way with his babe.

Poor grandma Jo, she has a cold so has been wearing a mask when she holds Emmitt. He still really responds to her voice though. She is working her magical Grandma skills here.

Grandpa Larry with his sweet boy!

Kevin was hungry

I put Emmitt in these pants and then he started to get fussy. I think it is because he was thinking "don't ever put me in these pants again mom. I don't appreciate having duck feet in public". Anyways- super cute!

VIVA LA REVOLUTION! This is the wonderful gift that G-pa Larry and G-ma Jo purchased for Emmitt (okay his mother is REALLY excited) today. It is a BOB stroller and will be used for many adventures in the city and beyond. Thank you Jackson Grandparents!

My favorite time of day with Emmitt is after he first wakes up and eats breakfast. During this time he is calm, relaxed, and full of smiles. On this day Kevin was home so we spent extra time in bed snuggling Emmitt and getting him to coo and show us his beautiful smile.

Early Morning light in bed, so sweet!

Grandpa and Grandma Jackson arrived 2 days ago and have been doting upon Emmitt, as all good grandparents should. Emmitt has been enjoying grandpa Larry carrying him in his big hands and has been enjoying his grandma Jo's soothing voice. Emmitt continues to be full of smiles and is really an enjoyable baby. He has decided to wake up over the past week from his newborn sleep and does not want to sleep as much at night, however continues to get at least 6-7 hours a night. We have been truly blessed by this mellow addition to our family.