Monday, January 25, 2010

We LOVE YOU Emmitt
Peanut arrived on Jan. 20, 2010 at 0130AM. Peanut weighed in at 8.06 lbs and was 20 inches long. Peanut came after Kevin and I tried very hard(for 18hours) to have a natural birth. I guess it just wasn't in the cards for us and we had to decide instead to make sure Peanut came out healthy. Peanut eventually was birthed by cesarean section, during which Peanut did wonderfully. I had a little artery nicked and lost some extra blood, however did fine afterwards and have been recovering from it all quite well. We decided to name Peanut- Emmit Peyton. Peyton is a Jackson family name and Kevin's middle name. Emmitt was the only boy name we could agree on. I think it fits him.

Emmitt is a sweet baby. Emmitt is often alert and quite, checking out his new surroundings and I think trying to figure out if he likes it better here or in my womb. Emmitt has had some trouble getting used to breastfeeding, however is getting better and more excited about it every day. Emmit makes lots of high pitched whines when happy or sad. He has definitely found his lungs and lets us know when he is unhappy- mostly when hungry.

Emmit has already turned our world upside down and made the love that Kevin and I have for each other much stronger. We are so happy to be in this stage of life and super excited to get to know Emmitt and share him with others (family friends) we have received so much love and support in our life and feel so thankful that Emmitt will feel this love and support as well.

We plan on making regular posts and sharing photos and video- as we figure it all out. Love to all and thank you for your thoughts and loving messages. We are blessed!

Welcome to the world little Peanut

Mia- our wonderful Midwife

Mindy- our amazing doula and close friend

Proud Papa

first bath

foot prints- Emmitt's feet are super wrinkly

Couch time- 5 days old

First trip to the pediatrician. Emmitt is very healthy--- and cute!


  1. Andrea & Kevin~ I know we have already told you this, but Emmitt is perfect! We are so happy for you and excited that you have joined the ranks of parents...there really is nothing like it. We look forward to many more posts and watching the little man grow. We love you!

  2. Yo new parents & new human- Good luck! The pix of him on the couch are really great. I love his little nose he has. Did they have to stab his heel with that surette thingy for blood? That was nearly the worst part for me during Logan's first day. I forgot to tell Kevin about how Emmitt & I share a birthday... Right on little dude!
