Oh' Dad! |
I think Emmitt is having a good time! |
Only a Dad can get away with this move! |
Look at Emmitt's little hand around his Dad's neck, so sweet. Emmitt loves his dad so much and he should, Kevin is a wonderful father! |
"it's coming!" |
Kevin showing Emmitt how it's done! |
Summer time fun with Dad! |
Emmitt loves to wear my jewelry. Here he is sporting a beaded bracelet and chain necklace. The face compliments the look! |
Crazy laugh!!!!! |
Oh' my god he looks like a Wyoming boy! |
Campfire Love! Emmitt loves his Aunt Sara! He says her name Sare- wa |
Notice Killian's shirt. He put it on at the creek and didn't want to take it off. It is my Mom's shirt! He is so cute! Another hiking adventure. I think this was the longest adventure yet, they were out there for at least an hour. |
Hi Mom! |
These guys are SWEET! |
Oh' what is this a wood pile? Better climb it to see! |
The boys taking a "hike". They loved to walk all around the cabin going for "hikes". So wonderful that we have this place. The boys will have so much fun in the years to come. There is never an end to adventures on The Land. Thanks Mom and Dad! |
Emmitt helping build the deck by putting rocks down the tube, helpful??? I doubt it! |
Boo boo gone. Just Nana love! |
This is not of Emmitt, obviously, but I love this picture. So sweet! |
Nana kissing a finger boo boo. |
Ok, time to warm up, he was turning blue, and time to get a bite to eat with Daddy. |
Action shot! |
Emmitt's usual behavior, splashing everyone that doesn't want to be splashed. |
Washing off the lizard, of course! |
Emmitt loves water, loves sticks, loves rocks. This definitely met all his criteria for fun! |
Holden and his Uncle Kevin. Taking a little walk to survey the scene. Very sweet! |
A wonderful day at Sheep Creek. The boys loved the creek so much! You can't tell can you? They immediately ran into the water, didn't mind that it was freezing, and had a great time. The fun lasted until both Holden and Emmitt went down, scaring the *&%$ out of the parents! |
Silliness at the Cabin! |
Emmitt was sooooooo tired after hanging out with Oso and Allison for two days. He refused to nap, although the nap caught him in mid snack! |
"I will climb this tree to get that squirrel"....and he would! |
What could be better than a giant empty pool with statues to climb? |
"where is that squirrel?" |
A little dance with Aunt Allison! |
Emmitt loved the Civic Center Park. He found chasing the squirrels to be the most fun, and yes he was chasing them with a stick! |
Playing with Uncle Oso! |
Emmitt J.
Full of 2 year old terror and a dash of sweet!
Ok, so he is really not that bad, but he has started to sow his 2 year old oats on a regular basis now. I think Kevin and I both have those days where we are in Emmitt bliss. We say things like. "he is so great", "he said the funniest thing", "Oh' my gosh he is amazing", "Wow, he is so smart", "he is so cute"..........and then we have "I hate 2 year old days" and we say things like "he is driving me crazy", "I can't take this *&^% anymore", "I am going to cry", "please take him away from me", "help", "Oh' my god he is crazy", "STOP THROWING TOYS", "You can't climb everything", "PICK UP THAT FOOD. WE DO NOT THROW FOOD", "you sit here and think about what you have done" (yeah like he really thinks about it), "No hitting", and "I need a drink" (yeah like we never said that before). We struggle through some days and have tons of fun on others. We have started taking E to the pool. He really loves the water, the slide, and always makes a friend. He is also in amazement of the older kids at the pool jumping off the diving boards and going down the big slides. He must learn to swim soon because I am certain he will try anything and has no idea that he actually needs to know how to stay afloat first. Other fun things included Memorial weekend at the cabin with the family and a visit from our good Seattle friends Andrew and Allison. Emmitt had such a good time with Andrew and Allison he asks for them by name on a regular basis and last week said "Aliton and Oto in Seattle?". That was an "oh' my god you are so smart" moment. Emmitt is learning to count. He can count 8, 9, 10, 11 in English and 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10 in Spanish. He loves to sing along to well known tunes and Kevin has him dancing on a regular basis. I really appreciate his break dancing moves. The kid says crazy funny stuff all the time and keeps us laughing (lucky for him ;) ) The funniest thing I can think of at this moment is when he calls out to Kevin or I saying "hey babe" (guess what Kevin and I call each other). Emmitt knows this cracks me up so says it often when we are all lucky enough to be together. The best thing about E right now is that he is incredibly loving when he wants to be. He demands that I kiss and hug both he and Kevin before leaving for work. Kevin must hug Bethany before he leaves for work. He is full of kisses, says he missed me when I get home, and when I laid him down for bed tonight said "I love you Momma". Definitely makes up for the 100 2 year old moments we had before bed.
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