Readin at the cabin...a great past time.

love these guys!

Smelling the leaves.

"what a wonderful fall day!"

"These are so beautiful!"

Hikes on the land in the fall...unbelievably wonderful!

"big big", Emmitt uses this adjective to describe many things in his world.

Discovering the "ieeee" in the cooler

Face shot!


He can dish it, but is not so good at taking it!

Gettin each other!

A master of the hose!

Water time with Emmitt's best neighbor and friend, "Aiey" (Amy).

Reading with a wonderful family friend.

A perfect hollowed tree to climb in.

A Sunday afternoon in the park, where there is water, there must be rocks, where there are rocks to throw, there is Emmitt.

Dad and baby in a bath, so sweet. Emmitt LOVES it when we get in the bath with him. He says "yay, yay, yay" and throws his hands up in joy.

Bath time routine, bottle and wash cloth, what a life this guy leads.

Feelin the music

Watching a good family friend play the banjo. Emmitt's love of music is amazing, whether it be rock, classical, jazz, rap, country, heavy metal, or alternative, the guy will dance!

"are you coming?"

Playing with more trucks

Contemplating life or maybe just tired!

With a little help from Nana

Getting dad

Second love water, rocks, and sticks...actually these probably take first place, trucks second

Emmitt's an official boy...he loves trucks!

Chambre shirts, c/o Nana

Another love!

Ok, not my boy, but one of my loves!

Emmitt, Killian, and Kevin sandwich!

It is official, we have moved to the Rockies...Go Pokes!

Emmitt is DONE cleaning! Actually this huge dog came by and instead he wanted to follow it around saying "big big. big big. big big." I tried to post the video but it was too big.

Hanging out at the cabin. Grandma Connie is so much fun she broke out the shaving cream to "clean" the horse tank. The boys had a great time.

This is how we travel in Wyoming.

OK, close up. you know the drill.

My happy crazy monkey!

Killian must not have been looking.

Killian offering some of his beloved pasta salad, although he was pretty stingy with the veggies. If you know Killian that makes perfect sense.

Pasta salad and the Dinosaur were the main events.

These guys had a great time hanging out together in back of the truck. The first time I have ever witnessed conversation between the two. Freakin priceless!

Killian: "This is a dinosaur. He says Rawrrrrrrrr". Emmitt: "Awwwwwwwww"

The lip

The big boys throwing the football is SO COOL!

"I want to throw the football." Emmitt's new thing is to just lay down when upset, wherever he may be!

Just tailgatin!

Motley Crew...GO POKES!
Emmitt is growing in amazing ways these days, I know, I know, you say "you always say that", but I mean really this guy is turning into a little person. He has started saying 3 word sentences (OK maybe only Kevin and I can understand what he says). Most recently "I climb up", "No, my ball", and "I throw it". Yesterday he held out his finger and said "One more show?" I know that is a testament that he watches too much Sesame street, but really isn't that cute? He is in love with trucks. They are always "big big" in his world. He absolutely loves music. You really should see him Dance. Lately, he has been doing the Saturday Night Fever dance, holding up his finger and shaking his body. The most difficult thing that we had to endure was surgery over the last month. Emmitt had to have undistended testicle surgery. I think that his resiliency was much better than Kevin or I's, but we all made it through. Tonight I keep it short and sweet. Emmitt is a joy, he loves his friends, strangers he meets on the street, and his family. He is social, active (understatement), and funny. Guess what...I love him!
Hi Andrea, Thanks for the pics! I get so excited when there's new ones. Looks like the handsome guy and his parents are doing well. I will probably be in Denver area some time this winter. Will let you know - would love to see you. Please keep the photos coming! Meg