Emmitt STILL loves the fridge. He now uses his climbing skills to scale the fridge for the highest possible items. Then throws them out, sucks on them, puts them in random places throughout the house, and eats them.


The aftermath, well actually just the beginning.

Sweet boy!

There he is!

Emmitt? Where's

Emmitt now smells the flowers. So cute!

Emmitt playing outside in his PJ's. Check out his feet, those are the bottom of his pajamas. Sometimes it is just easier this way!

Contemplating the stairs.

I decided to take
Emmitt to the beach after work one day. He really loved it. He was
facinated with watching the water and the kites. He wouldn't go to the water, just watched from afar. He had a great time walking around, throwing rocks, climbing beach wood, and watching the people.

Emmitt created his own perch to watch Sesame Street. I left the room for 2
mins. When I came back in this is what he was doing.

Sometimes we need a little Sesame Street in our day, OK lots of times we need a little Sesame Street. Mostly to get stuff done around the house.

Baby in a pot. It was his idea!

Looking a little rough in the AM.

looking pretty cute in the AM.

A trip to the park on a COLD day.

Rice and beans with Daddy.

So tired from the zoo. It is rare that I dare go into
Emmitt's room during nap. On this occasion he was sleeping for 2 hours and we didn't want him to sleep to close to bedtime. He loves the little fox in the corner. Sometimes he sleeps with it in his arms.

Like mother, like son.
Emmitt going crazy at the zoo and Me loosing my hat!

Emmitt and I snuggling at the zoo. Ha ha! The gorillas were amazing.
Emmitt just stared blankly at them. He loves Gorillas in books, but I think this was a bit much for him.

Kevin and an Eskimo

The Seattle zoo. I think I was more excited to go than either Kevin or Emmitt. When we got there I think Kevin and I had a way better time than Emmitt. I guess he is just not ready for this kind of adventure yet. I am sure we have many days at the zoo in the future. Too bad we are leaving Seattle. The zoo is great!
OK, so I have been holding off posting this for the last 2 weeks because I wanted to write something. I just don't have time right now. We are moving and Crazy. Let me just say this. Emmitt is SO much fun right now. I really love this age. He is curiouse, adventurouse (sometimes too much), he has a sense of humor, is loving, silly, and learning a ton. He immitates everything. I just taught him to stick out his tongue, so what does he do at 4AM when getting a bottle, but stick his tongue out at me! Hard to keep a straight face. He LOVES to go to the park, outside, or to the beach. He still loves his books. Always has a favorite. He says Dada and Momma, or ma. He can show you "what does a gorilla say?-beats his chest- What do we do with flowers?-he krinkels his nose up and smells the page- Hat?- pats his head- Can you say dog? "Baba"-Elephant- holds his arm up- Lion arm up and down- Knows the sign for Eat, done, more(sort of), and NO.
He does not sleep through the night!!!!! Now with the move he REALLY doesn't sleep through the night.
Posts in the future will be better. Thought it important to get some new pictures of my sweet guy out though.
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