Sunday, July 25, 2010

Turning into a chub a lub. Must be all that late night snacking he does.
sleep training. He is not supposed to sleep here, but in his crib, without rocking or a bottle. Of course he woke up as soon as I tried to remove him from the Bjorn.
Emmitt has beautiful eyes

drooly, no teeth yet
Hot in the summer time!
I think he is beautiful.
Emmitt laughs all the time!
such a sweetie

oh' he also hates rice cereal. Can you blame him?
FOOD! Avocado to begin with. E hates it!

6 MONTHS!!!!! On the 20th Emmitt turned 6 months old. I cannot believe it. In the past 3 months he has changed SO much, as you can see. He just started eating solid food, avocado, carrots, peas, and sweet potato so far. He loves to stand, is practicing the moves he needs to crawl, and can rotate around to reach pretty much anything he eyes. Yes, sleep still is horrible! SO- in desperation we have started to "Ferber" train him. This is officially day 2- very, very painful for me. Emmitt is not too thrilled with it either. We will give this a week or 2 and if it doesn't work--- I GIVE UP!

1 comment:

  1. Ohhhh myyyyy goddddd, he makes me smile!! What a darling little chub-a-lub, with the most amazing blue eyes! Sorry to hear about the sleep deprivation going on in your household. :( I hope that the Ferber training works for you. Hang it there, honey!
