Did I mention Emmitt's hair is insane. It needs to be cut. When? Now. How will this happen? I have no idea. | |
A family picture |
"Emmitt take a birthday picture with Papa Bob" Please! Emmitt, "no too much to do". We took a lovely hike with the family in Pouder Canyon. Emmitt pretty much ran up the entire trail, using all his energy, and then I had to carry him back to the car. |
Even Holden can get into this camera fun!
Another trip to the Ft for Papa Bobs birthday party!
Dinosaurs and Lizards! |

I think Emmitt enjoyed the eggs the most, not even the candy inside, just the eggs or "eggies" as he calls them.

"looooooook Dad!"

Easter Baskets! Emmitt took out each item one by one. He played or read each one before moving on to the next present. He was so sweet and very excited about the Basket. We had been reading about the Easter Bunny all week, so he sort of got it. It was a fantastic Easter day!

Doing art with Nana

Playing with the tractors.

A trip to the "Farm" in Fort Collins. We got to feed the babies!

Emmitt has been lining up his toys for awhile now. He usually sticks to his animals or dinosaurs. At Sara's house he decided the diggers and trucks (which there are several) needed to be organized. Very cute!

Killian and Emmitt have a great time together.

Notice Holden's expression.

We spent Easter weekend in Ft. Collin's at Sara and Jimi's house. Bath time with the boys, always super cute. Poor Holden hates it when E gets in the tub. E is of course oblivious to Holden's despise and really enjoys himself. Emmitt looks intoxicated in this pic. I swear he had no beer of mine!

Oh' and kicking the balls down into the basement and back out again.

An entire day spent in the yard, watering, running in the sprinkler, looking for worms and bugs, kicking the ball. Eventually we got tired of changing his clothes and decided to just go with a diaper, I think it makes for cuter pictures!

Full immersion!

Emmitt splashing, his favorite past time!

Amy is a real trooper. She puts up with Emmitt splashing and jumping on her..smiling the whole time. She really loves him as much as he loves her. It is a very sweet friendship that has developed and we are lucky to live next to Amy and her family.

Emmitt playing with his best buddy Amy. She decided since the weather felt like it was July that she should break out her pool. Emmitt REALLY enjoys the pool. I can't wait for summer trips to a real pool. We have a water baby here!

A day trip to Breckenridge. Beautiful day! Emmitt took to throwing rocks immediately. The afternoon ended when we went for lunch at a downtown spot only to be treated horribly because we have a kid....I thought Kevin was going to punch the waiter. I have never known discrimination as much as I have recently, being discriminated against because we have a 2 year old. I mean who could not love this guy???

A little evening walk in the yard sans shoes or pants, why bother when bath comes next!

These two both have the craziest hair. It is no wonder that people think they are twins. Although lets be honest Emmitt is WAY bigger than Bethany and looking a little rough in this picture.
Emmitt and his good friend Betany (Bethany). Our nanny's daughter.
Emmitt P, otherwise Monkey
2 years 3 months
growing growing growing!
I know the last few posts have consisted of me telling about Emmitt's growth, words, and not much else...but really this guys development has me amazed. I am constantly astonished by his language development and agility. He has now started to say 7 word sentences, the most recent "Go to store and get treat". He then followed this up by telling his Nana all the things we would buy at the store and was right about every item. Today he blew my mind when he proceeded to count to 11..... IN ORDER!!! Now, I may be his mother but I am sure he brilliant! Right? I am also sure that anything to do with math or science must have come from his G-Pa Larry. So thanks Larry! Anyways, Emmitt is a little boy through and through. He is almost always a happy 2 year old and seems to enjoy himself at every turn. His favorite past times are taking walks to the River (well now he asks us to run him to the river...not so hard for his Dad but difficult for his incredibly out of shape mother), he loves to play baseball (don't ask me how this happened we definitely are more of a soccer family), he can hit the ball when you throw it to him!!! He does also loves soccer and of course loves to climb on everything. We have rearranged the furniture, bolted it to the wall, and said no a million times in a million ways but, he always finds a new and unique ways to rearrange the tables, chairs, and pillows to jump from them. Another amazing milestone was when he told me the story (unprompted) about going to Chuck e Cheese with his Nana, Papa, Holden, and Killian. This event occured over a month previously and he spotted the balloon (the longest living balloon ever) that his Nana bought him there. He then told me who was there and what we did, including giving Chuck e Cheese the rat (or whatever he is) a high five. I was blown away. As you can tell I am often blown away by this guy and this is my most favorite way to share his accomplishments.
Emmitt's most funny phrases lately
Peese Momma, peese, peese, peese!- meaning Please Momma
I carry you- meaning Carry me
Come on, Momma
Padtolls- meaningTadpolls
What Do'in?
What dat noise?
What happenin?
what dat?
Dats goooooooood, OH!
go home back- meaning go back home
miss you
I no no- meaning I don't know
Pitsies- Meaning Percy
aaaaamooost-meaning Almost!