Emmitt Peyton Jackson: 2 years 1 month old....full of crazy Emmitt ways and lots and lots of dinosaurs!
I thought for this blog post I would dialogue bedtime with E!
The bath is filled with about 35 dinosaurs, random cars, a crocodile, and a frog
An hour later Emmitt is FINALLY ready to get out.
Kevin: Yells "Emmitt GO"
Emmitt: runs through the house naked requesting his dad to yell "Go, Emmitt" (he likes to refer to himself in the third person)
Me: "No more go, lets get some Jammies on". I am tired from the hour long bath routine. I turn to Kevin and say "lets take it down a notch"...knowing when Emmitt won't go to sleep he will request me...not Kevin!
Emmitt: Laying down on the changing table screams "my bottle!". He then drinks with intent while trying to stick his hands in my mouth (his comfort zone left over from babyhood). After Jammies and a teeth brushing battle it is time for books.....
Me:three, four, five books later (OK I have now set the limit to 3) I say "time for night, night".
Emmitt: "one more book? More Rock?"
Me: lay Emmitt down in his crib, kiss him, say "night night" and walk out of the room.
Emmitt: 2 or 3 mins later "Mom, Mom, Mom!".
Me: enter bedroom and say "Emmitt it is time to go night, night". walk out of the room.
Emmitt: 2 or 3 mins later "dad, dad, dad" although this sounds like "dat, dat, dat".
Kevin: enters bedroom, comes out a few mins later rolling his eyes.
Me: "what happened?"
Kevin: "I asked him what he needed, he said "out?""
Both of us: laugh, knowing Emmitt was grasping for whatever he could get away with.
Silence.............until 1030pm when we hear
Emmitt: in raspy old lady voice "momma, momma, momma".
Me: enter bedroom for usual routine, pick up E and head for our bed. As I get in bed...
Emmitt: pointing to his room and crying "ba do ba do bu my boon!"...repeat 5 times.
Me: "Do you want to go back to your room?" trying to decipher his mumbo jumbo..
Emmitt: "Yeah!"
Kevin: picks up Emmitt and starts carrying him to his room.
Me: shaking my head knowing how this will end.
Emmitt: "Momma! Momma! Momma!" pointing to my bed.
Kevin: brings Emmitt back to bed.
Emmitt: Snuggles into me, wraps his arms around my neck kissing me 3 times and then says "my hug!" with a whine meaning: hug me! (ok, this is partly why I can't get him out of my bed)
Me: "Emmitt can Momma get up and brush her teeth?"
Emmitt: "yeah"
Me: get up head to the bathroom
Kevin: takes this opportunity to get into bed with Emmitt
Emmitt: screams, pushes Kevin, and says "No, dat. Out! Momma, Momma, Momma!"
Kevin and Me: laugh histericaly at the reality of our son's ownership over his parents, their bed, and our obedience of him....that being said, Kevin just slept in the crack.
I thought for this blog post I would dialogue bedtime with E!
Emmitt and I take an inordinately long bath.The bath is filled with about 35 dinosaurs, random cars, a crocodile, and a frog
An hour later Emmitt is FINALLY ready to get out.
Kevin: Yells "Emmitt GO"
Emmitt: runs through the house naked requesting his dad to yell "Go, Emmitt" (he likes to refer to himself in the third person)
Me: "No more go, lets get some Jammies on". I am tired from the hour long bath routine. I turn to Kevin and say "lets take it down a notch"...knowing when Emmitt won't go to sleep he will request me...not Kevin!
Emmitt: Laying down on the changing table screams "my bottle!". He then drinks with intent while trying to stick his hands in my mouth (his comfort zone left over from babyhood). After Jammies and a teeth brushing battle it is time for books.....
Me:three, four, five books later (OK I have now set the limit to 3) I say "time for night, night".
Emmitt: "one more book? More Rock?"
Me: lay Emmitt down in his crib, kiss him, say "night night" and walk out of the room.
Emmitt: 2 or 3 mins later "Mom, Mom, Mom!".
Me: enter bedroom and say "Emmitt it is time to go night, night". walk out of the room.
Emmitt: 2 or 3 mins later "dad, dad, dad" although this sounds like "dat, dat, dat".
Kevin: enters bedroom, comes out a few mins later rolling his eyes.
Me: "what happened?"
Kevin: "I asked him what he needed, he said "out?""
Both of us: laugh, knowing Emmitt was grasping for whatever he could get away with.
Silence.............until 1030pm when we hear
Emmitt: in raspy old lady voice "momma, momma, momma".
Me: enter bedroom for usual routine, pick up E and head for our bed. As I get in bed...
Emmitt: pointing to his room and crying "ba do ba do bu my boon!"...repeat 5 times.
Me: "Do you want to go back to your room?" trying to decipher his mumbo jumbo..
Emmitt: "Yeah!"
Kevin: picks up Emmitt and starts carrying him to his room.
Me: shaking my head knowing how this will end.
Emmitt: "Momma! Momma! Momma!" pointing to my bed.
Kevin: brings Emmitt back to bed.
Emmitt: Snuggles into me, wraps his arms around my neck kissing me 3 times and then says "my hug!" with a whine meaning: hug me! (ok, this is partly why I can't get him out of my bed)
Me: "Emmitt can Momma get up and brush her teeth?"
Emmitt: "yeah"
Me: get up head to the bathroom
Kevin: takes this opportunity to get into bed with Emmitt
Emmitt: screams, pushes Kevin, and says "No, dat. Out! Momma, Momma, Momma!"
Kevin and Me: laugh histericaly at the reality of our son's ownership over his parents, their bed, and our obedience of him....that being said, Kevin just slept in the crack.
love you Emmitt!