I think it is a sign that your child watches too much TV when he lines his animals up to watch the television with him. Horrible, but totally cute!

I love these pictures because his eyes look so blue and Beautiful!

Knockin them off one by one!

Just another night in the bathtub with about 11 dinosaurs. He lined them up, not me. You will notice this picture contains his 2 favorite things a "warm bottle" (yes we have regressed and he now requests his bottle be warm and yes we are total suckers and deliver) and "dinos".

So I asked Emmitt to show off his most favorite PJ bottoms, given to him by his Aunt Kelly. So this is his Alligator PJ photo shoot.

Funny Emmitt face

Emmitt loves to play Hide n Seek!

Playing in the yard on a nice day. I think I took these pictures just because I am so proud of the fact that I can get him into a hat!

Emmitt's friend and neighbor, Amy, came for a visit to see all his new toys and give a little love!

Mommy and Emmitt

Daddy and Emmitt

Grandma Jo and Emmitt

Emmitt wanted everyone to eat his cake with him....so here is a picture of each of us. Nana and Emmitt.

Emmitt was not interested in us singing to him (us being Grandma Jo, Nana, Kevin, and I). What he was interested in was blowing out his candle. He did this the first time and then requested to "blow" about 20 more times until Kevin had enough. It was very sweet and just the birthday celebration his Momma needed. I was pretty disappointed we had to cancel all things birthday so a little cake and a candle made all the difference. After all it is all about me...right?

Happy Birthday Big Boy!

Emmitt got a "bike" from his Grandma Jo for his birthday. He was trying it out after nap and refused to take his sleep-sack off.

Yay, Yay, Yay Grandma Jo came for a birthday visit! Emmitt was unfortunately pretty sick for his 2nd birthday. We went to the zoo in hopes of keeping germs away from his cousins, we had to cancel his party. He was mostly obsessed with his "Sara" and "Jimi" the entire trip...but gave some love to his wonderful Grandma Jo.

Emmitt caught a little buzz from his Ice Cream and starting running around like mad. This Cowboy was trying to rope him for me...ha ha ha!

Stock show=overwhelmingly huge for 1 adult and 1 midget, filled with very expensive junk food that caught Emmitts attention at every turn, and a petting Zoo that sent my germaphobicness reeling! All in all it was a good time, Emmitt enjoyed the Ice cream best, but next time I will have a stroller and another adult with me!

All dressed up and headed to the Stock show! Thanks Jo for all the sweet clothes. Emmitt always looks so cute!

Playing at the river in the Snow and Ice. The river is good anytime and since Emmitt will actually wear winter clothing it makes it so much fun!

Bath time! Emmitt still really loves his bath. He resists it when you ask (like all 2 year olds) but then always wants to stay in for an hour. He loves to bathe with other people, one of the habits I have taught him since moving to Denver(not good or bad). On the nights when Kevin is around Emmitt requests his presence in the tub. When Jo was here for his birthday he even requested she join in the bath time fun. She did decline....although she might be regretting this decision!

Emmitt reading about ???GUESS???? Dinos with two of his favorite ladies.

A day at the Zoo! Emmitt LOVES the zoo. The worst part is trying to get him to leave. He spent the rest of the day requesting "go back animals".

Emmitt using his Uncle Gregor's baby silverware for the first time. Gregor grew up in Germany so it has traveled quite far and is a really special gift.

a perfect example!

Bathroom acrobats! Emmitt really enjoys playing in the bathroom these days. It usually ends with him in a precarious position and me removing him from the scene and shutting the bathroom door. Baby proofing has taken on a whole new meaning these days, especially because Emmitt is such a monkey!

Greatest Day of the year looks a little different these days. Dinosaur books and babies, although you will notice a beer made it into the picture, appropriately so!
A Happy New Year and A Birthday Year 2!Emmitt 28 lbs and 34 inches tallHe can count to 2, sing Abc and a few other letters, and say 4 word sentences (AMAZING!)What a month it has been! We celebrated the new year in Fort Collins with the Devereux clan, although none of the clan made it past 1030. We then had the traditional "Greatest day of the year" party, although these days the drinking doesn't really start until about 11 and is over by 7! Our friends Jer and Shannon celebrated with us and brought over their two boys ages 4 and 6 months. Emmitt was VERY excited to have a "baby" in the house and even more excited to have another little boy around. However, after about 10 mins. his new friend was not as excited about Emmitt. I spent a good portion of the day asking Emmitt to leave poor Zaden alone. At one point the two were watching a movie and Zaden kept saying Emmitt was hurting him, so I decided to sit in on the movie (watching from behind). I think Emmitt forgot that I was there because before I knew it his little hand started to creep up behind Zaden and reach for his neck. I grabbed his hand and he immediately turned around and said "Hi Momma!". It was the first time that Emmitt realized he had been busted in the act and looked like it! Poor Zaden he was ready to go home.
The next big event was Emmitt's 2 year birthday. It was really an event for me, mostly in my head. I guess because 2 really seems like a milestone. I thought for weeks about how fast the 2 years had gone by and all the changes that had taken place in Emmitt, Kevin, and I. I wasn't sad, but amazed at the process of raising a boy to 2 years old and amazed at the little boy he has become. I think my mom said it best and at it's simplest form when she said "he looks 2 today". I really was blown away when she said this because it is so true. Emmitt has shed almost all signs of baby (except for his beloved Bottle). He is talking constantly, knows what he wants, when he wants it, and how to get it. He is social, funny, and animated. He loves dinosaurs (almost more than his bottle) and continues to amaze us with his physical abilities. Some of the best Emmitt phrases lately have been "super Emmitt" and "Oh' man". He also is starting to talk in his sleep 2 nights ago he shouted out "Dino Dan" (a new show he is OBSESSED with) and then last night was requesting "Ham" in his sleep. I laugh everyday with Emmitt and at this point(this might change in a day or so) I am not even scared of the terrible 2's. I mean how bad can one sweet little guy be??? I know you are laughing at me, so be it- I love him!