Shark soup! If you can't tell there is a plastic Shark squirt gun in the pot. Emmitt is very interested in what goes on in the kitchen these days.
Yes, the tongue pictures are back! Now that Emmitt has a new found interest in the Camera and understands "make a face"...we have lots of fun!
Emmitt-22 1/2 months
Oh' Emmitt you are so funny!
Story 1) I am in the kitchen doing dishes, Emmitt is in the living room doing what??? I walk in and immediately see Emmitt at the dining room table with my wallet. I say "What are you doing monkey?" Emmitt looks up, shuts the wallet, hands it to me and says "here Momma". I have never seen the kid look so guilty, know what he was doing- that he shouldn't do, and never ever has he stopped and gave me my personal item. We have entered into new territory with this guy. My Monkey is definitely not a baby anymore, although he will always be my baby.
Story 2) Bath time. It has grown lately to be about an hour long. It consists of me taking a bath with him (if I don't he says repeatedly "Momma, Momma and points to the tub. He then grabs the sleeve of my arm trying to pull me in, so usually I give in as it is just the two of us in the evenings these days). What can I say a bubble bath with my monkey isn't such a bad thing! Anyways, he also has been very preoccupied with hair. It is usually my hair and usually sticks to his fingers. Sometimes it is Percy hair at which he says "yuck". On this particular evening Emmitt found 1 hair and then spent 20 minuets trying to get the 1 hair to stick to the head of his monster. After much frustration, and laughing by me, I helped the guy out and stuck it to the monster's head. Emmitt yelled in joy "yay, yay, yay". He is so cute.
Story 3) "Dad Bottle!" Emmitt has turned his poor father into the servant of the house. Whether we are driving, in the bath, in bed, on the couch, downstairs, in the stroller, or reading books when Emmitt needs a beverage, usually a bottle he screams "Dad, Bottle!" Kevin of course rolls his eyes, but always gets his guy a bottle. Emmitt can say "I love you" so that always makes up for it. He also says "Tank you".
Story 2) Bath time. It has grown lately to be about an hour long. It consists of me taking a bath with him (if I don't he says repeatedly "Momma, Momma and points to the tub. He then grabs the sleeve of my arm trying to pull me in, so usually I give in as it is just the two of us in the evenings these days). What can I say a bubble bath with my monkey isn't such a bad thing! Anyways, he also has been very preoccupied with hair. It is usually my hair and usually sticks to his fingers. Sometimes it is Percy hair at which he says "yuck". On this particular evening Emmitt found 1 hair and then spent 20 minuets trying to get the 1 hair to stick to the head of his monster. After much frustration, and laughing by me, I helped the guy out and stuck it to the monster's head. Emmitt yelled in joy "yay, yay, yay". He is so cute.
Story 3) "Dad Bottle!" Emmitt has turned his poor father into the servant of the house. Whether we are driving, in the bath, in bed, on the couch, downstairs, in the stroller, or reading books when Emmitt needs a beverage, usually a bottle he screams "Dad, Bottle!" Kevin of course rolls his eyes, but always gets his guy a bottle. Emmitt can say "I love you" so that always makes up for it. He also says "Tank you".