The most artistic monkey on earth!

"Emmitt this is what you did to me!" Emmitt looks really concerned. Right after this he wiped his paint covered hands all over the patio furniture.

Sweet crack!

Wash that paint right off of your hands

Emmitt the artist

Emmitt the Crockett master. He actually just wanted to hit everyone and everything with these things. I finally put them away when he tried to hit Killian. Don't think that will win over Killian's love!

Family in Colorado. This is Awesome!

Filling up the water table with Nana

Corn Face

Hanging out at Sara and Jimi's house. My aunt from Iowa brought Sweet Corn! Is it just me or could he be a baby model?

MACARONI AND CHEESE!!!!! Oh' yeah Emmitt can eat with a spoon!

Emmitt taking a rest in the pack. Not long enough to make the hike longer, just long enough to get back to the cabin. I was picking flowers and giving them to Emmitt. He wanted 1 of every color.

"If I give you a nectarine will you go on a hike?"

We made it maybe a 1/2 mile and then Emmitt was done. Me trying to feed him into enjoying the experience. Kevin and I loving every second of being on a hike.

Heading out for a hike in the morning. You can't tell but they are both wearing NY city t-shirts. This was not intentional, although very sweet.

Watching the fire

Emmitt's first campfire. Watching Dada pick up sticks.

Having fun. Isn't he beautiful?

Nana brought balls to the cabin!

First hike in Wyoming, Emmitt not so thrilled with the back pack idea. Shocking that this monkey wouldn't want to be contained. He actually did OK.

Let's walk little guy. He definitely needed a hand to negotiate the grass, sage brush, and rocks.

Adventures on the land

I think Emmitt is amazing! I know you are shocked!

The Cabin in Wyoming

"Why is it raining????" If only Emmitt knew how much rain he used to have to deal with!

Hangin out on the front porch during a crazy Denver rain storm. Emmitt had a chocolate cookie (yes I have given in) and was playing "phone" with Papa's cell phone holder. He actually was having a conversation with his Dada, in Emmitt language.

Drummin at the fantastic Children's Village in Cheyenne Wyoming

Naked babies

Hangin with Papa

Very Sad! I just think he doesn't want to have to share with another kid. Can't really blame him!

Killian is not into his cousin Emmitt right now. Actually Emmitt seems to make Killian....

"Maybe if I stick it in her face she will eat it"

Still trying...

Yes, Emmitt continues to worship dogs. Cally (my sister's dog) not as interested in the Arugula as Emmitt is.

Don't mind the hair. We still haven't cut it. Maybe we should?

Ok Jo, this ones for you. Emmitt looking fine in his linen shirt!

Emmitt and I heading out on a date night. We were about to eat at Kevin's Restaurant Solera! Dinner was over in 30...after Emmitt started taking things off the wall. Date nights are better with Dada's.
Oh' Yeah, this is why we moved to ColoradoAfter living in Denver alone, finally getting Dada back, bed bugs, stressful jobs...we remember why we did all this ****! Emmitt 18 months and full of adventure, except apparently he is a city boy, not used to the lay of the Rocky's land!Over the past month we have been having some good ol family fun. Kevin scored and got 3 days off. I took a vacation day and that meant 3 days as a family! For those of you accustomed to having days off with your partners, you wouldn't understand the significance. Having 3 days as a family is pure bliss! We decided to head to my parents cabin in Wyoming. WOW (as Emmitt says about everything) how relaxing. A true detox from our very city lives. Emmitt, however was not so convinced. The sage brush made it difficult to balance and walk, the tall grasses were constantly in his face, and the rocks were way to scratchy. We will turn him into a Wyoming boy yet! While Emmitt could leave the country life behind (unless it involves my Dad's dog Nohku--Emmitt loves this dog!) Kevin and I relished in the reasons for moving our entire life across country. Besides the trip to the cabin we have been spending time with family, Nana, Papa, Aunt Sasa, Uncle Jimi, and of course Holden and Killian. Emmitt now recognizes them all, loves most everyone (OK he is still scared of Killian and Holden at times). He calls out for his grandparents and gives them the biggest smile you can imagine. This is why we moved, so Emmitt could have an extended family, know why his parents are so weird, and learn to love the rugged Rocky Mountains. Now, if we could just convince Jo to move this way! Ha...had to say it Jo! There are lots of fun pictures and apparently the Blogspot will take my videos again, YAY! Enjoy and visit us soon! You won't regret a second spent with the monkey....well maybe when he throws his Emmitt tantrums. But as his mother I find them to be quite charming.