Emmitt 16 months
Adjusting to life in Denver, discovering the parks, people, dogs, alleyways, churches, fountains, skateparks, and people. Emmitt is now 16 months old. I have no idea how much he weights. Last check about a month ago was 21 pounds. He seems much heavier to me now, he can fit into 18 month clothes, 12 month clothes with a disposable diaper. He is a joy, most of the time. Very happy, adventurous, intrigued by human nature and the world around him, a lover, friendly, and funny. He continues to enjoy all sorts of food. He favors salt and vinegar. I think he inherited this from the Stump side of our family. He tries to say lots of words. The most often used are "up, out, Dada, Mama, truck, duck, ice, bubbles, snack, papa, and Nana. He still calls dogs "Baba", shakes his head yes (it is sort of an entire upper body yes motion), he waves to everyone, he signs for "more" (of everything), "eat", and points to things saying "dat". I guess that means "what is that?". He gives hugs and kisses (I LOVE THIS!).He continues to climb on everything and has taken a particular liking to jungle gyms(probably because he is a monkey). I am sure most of you would be mortified if you knew what I let him do (climb by himself, go down slides by himself, go over the bouncy bridge by himself, ect.) but the guy really does have good balance and agility. He has figured out how to go down slides by himself. He sits down and holds onto the sides. It is freakin cute and amazing. He occasionally gets too confident and needs a bit of redirecting, but usually has a wonderful time. Sense of humor and sassiness----these are Emmitt personality traits. Emmitt has now figured out how to drive me in sane. He doesn't take "No" seriously, and actually finds humor in my attempts to create some boundaries and limits in our life. Most specifically Emmitt enjoys sticking crap in his mouth. This includes, well it is everything. At the park it is usually trash or rocks. When I see him grab for it he smiles, looks at me, and proceeds to put the object in his mouth. I then race to him, grab his little cheeks and pull the object out. He sometimes gives it up, other times runs from me. So, this has left me playing the ignore game. Which, sometimes works, sometimes does not. Anyways, the point of this is he now realizes that he can control his environment/mother some and finds himself to be hilarious. You should hear him laugh----gets me in trouble it is so cute. For the most part Emmitt is adjusting to life in Denver. He LOVES going to the park, an activity we do like 3 times a day. He is starting to get comfortable in his yard. His Nana bought him a sandbox, which he is learning to love, he enjoys playing with water, chasing his cat, and pointing at the dog next door. He already has a Colorado suntan (I am ashamed) even though we apply sunscreen liberally. He really just is something special. You should hang out with him sometime soon.
Monday, May 30, 2011
Monday, May 23, 2011
Here is a little snippet of Emmitt in Colorado. I apologize for no posts for the last month and a half. Things in our life have been crazy to say the least. I hope the dedicated followers haven't given up on me. I promise to continue posting (likely for the rest of his life). I just need some time to get our life situated. In the meantime, here are some pictures of our ever growing and changing boy. The highlight of his life these days....the park....the fountain at the Catholic church near our house, torturing Percy cat, broccoli, watermelon, asparagus, his "Nana" (grandma connie), his bottle, and water in any nasty place you can find it. He is adjusting to his new home, not sleeping through the night, but taking 2-3 hour naps. He can say cat, truck, duck, Dada (in fact everyone and everything has become a Dada), and Mama. He understands an amazing amount of what you tell him. He holds up his finger for the number one. He is SO MUCH FUN! Please visit him in Colorado!
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