That's my boy!

Hello COLORADO! Where the sun shines something like 300 days a year. It feels like a Seattle summer here and it is only the beginning of April. Sara pulled out her water table.
Emmitt enjoyed! The only issue is
Emmitt refuses to wear a hat, SO I have to put a
hoody on him, even when it is hot. Haven't figured this one out yet.

He is so cute! Don't you agree?

With nothing else in the house to play with, one must look to the outdoors for fun.
Emmitt uses his activity table as a stepping stool.

studying the lighting.

"Goodbye Michele".
Emmitt and I had lunch with my good friend Michele at the Pike Place Market. We ate at "Emmit Watson's Oyster Bar". Has been our favorite since we moved to the city. No, I did not name
Emmitt after the bar.

"Goodbye Alley!" Alley was
Emmitt's 1st and only nanny. Thank you for taking such great care of our guy. We will miss you! She says he spits and sticks his
tongue out at her more than anyone else. Maybe!

"Goodbye Abbey". Thank you for loving
Emmitt as much as we do. You are missed!
Abbey took care of Emmitt every other week. I worked with her at Swedish and she has a heart of GOLD!

So many rocks to study!

"throw it!

Emmitt's 2
nd ever Ferry ride. He was quite entertained by the experience. We took a day trip to
Whidbey Island. The sun was shining and it was a great way to say "Goodbye, beautiful pacific NW".

Grandma Jo love, the best!

The monkey in action!

Goodbye Ballard Skate park, we will miss you.

Doesn't get cuter.
Emmitt helping Grandma Jo pack.

Jo, Kevin's mom, came for a visit to help. She was a HUGE help. Thanks Jo. Kevin and Jo took
Emmitt to the Ballard Sunday Market (by the way I will miss this Market SO much). They said that
Emmitt just stood in front of the band staring. He did not sing, dance, or move. Just studying the situation, as he does. It is kind of like a "where is waldo?" picture, only "where is
Emmitt?", can you spot him?

This sums up my feelings on
Emmitt. I LOVE YOU
SOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH! You make me the happiest person alive!
OMG! Isn't he gorgeous?

I love this picture of Kevin and
Emmitt. Like father, like son.
Emmitt REALLY looks like Kevin these days. My sweet guys!

Carkeek Park". We went to this park for the first time, recently. What a great place for kids. Too bad we didn't find it sooner. It was a wonderful day for the 3 of us. We walked on the beach, threw rocks, laughed, played on the children's toys, and laid in the sun (yes, it was out for a few

This was a "goodbye dinner" with some good friends, Mira and Kevin. Emmitt was on fire this night. He thought they were really funny and kept running through the house yelling, laughing, and giving them big smiles. He thought the clothes basket was quite a treat!

Goodbye sweet fridge. I swear Emmitt is in withdrawal from fridge time. My sister saw this picture and said "you let him destroy your cilantro? Spoiled!" She then said, "he can play in our fridge if you want". What a sister she is, amazing. I think he will have to wait until we have a home of our own to get in a good "fridge fix".
EMMITT 141/2 months. Still wearing 12 month clothes, size 4 shoes, drinking breastmilk, goat milk, cow milk, and all sorts of food. His favorites are Kiwi, banana, melon, veggie dogs and chicken nuggets, and BBQ (go figure!). He also enjoys broccoli, soy beans, and peas.
So, where to begin. I realize I have been "slacking on the blog" as my husband put it this AM. He then said, "you know I am a subscriber now". All I could say was "yeah, I have had a few things to take care of these days". That sums it up! We have been very busy for the past month (hence the 1 blog post) moving our life to Colorado. As it stands now Emmitt and I are living at Sara's house with her husband and twin 2 year old boys. Kevin is in Seattle for the next couple of months. This has been quite an adjustment for us all. Emmitt, a resilient little guy, has just begun to get used to his new home. It took him a few tearful days to realize that he too can take toys away, scream, and run away. His sleep is less than pleasant for this mother, but I am sure with time will get better. I mean what is another 4 months without sleep when you've gone almost 15. On a bright and positive note the move has gone better than I could ever have imagined. I am waiting to hear back from a job, looking for a new place to live, and finding childcare for our amazing man. The pictures on this posting are mostly from goodbyes. Goodbyes to the wonderful Northwest and all the amazing friends we have made. Emmitt is a man full of adventure, as you can see. He loves to be outside exploring his surroundings and getting into trouble. He has learned some new animal sounds, tries to say words when prompted, and can follow many directions. He continues to be a very sweet, stoic guy. He takes time to figure out his surroundings before jumping in and is often not amused with toys, preferring to play with objects Mom and Dad are using. His favorites now are the vacuum cleaner, dishwasher (Sara has one and he helps to unload the silverware), broom, and fruit bowl. He is a blast and such a sweet guy that even when exhausted and overwhelmed can smile and shrug his shoulders. I will keep this short as there is much to do when watching a little, nonsleeping babe, 24 hours a day. I will just say we will miss the birthplace of Emmitt terribly, but continue to feel excited about our new home. Just a matter of time and we will have one. Enjoy! Oh' and babe, we miss you terribly!