see new post below.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Emmitt, Emmitt your so fine, Emmitt, Emmitt a monkey all the time!
Emmitt is now 13 months, seems to have grown a bit- his pants are fitting better!
He is a true monkey, our little guy. He eats like a monkey (throwing most of his food), he climbs on the bed frame like a monkey (he gets his foot stuck on purpose and then laughs about it), he runs through the house like a monkey (throwing things along the way), he can climb up and over me like a monkey (also thinks this is very funny), and hits like a monkey (ok, not sure if monkeys hit but he sure looks like one when he does). Emmitt has amazing balance and agility. At Gymboree he impresses his fellow toddlers and the teachers by balancing, climbing, and running sure footed eveywhere. Last week he was trying to make baskets with the balls (initiated this on his own) and when the teacher was explaining the activity for the day (all about balancing) Emmitt stood up on the dispay and proceeded to stand in a surfers stance and balance himself. The teacher said "oh, wow, this activity will teach balance, Emmitt is already doing that". I of course stood by as the proud Momma smiling. I was also impressed by his ability. What else is E up to these days??? He continues to enjoy adventures to the park and pretty much any activity outside. He now runs to the door when you say "park" and starts whining. At the park the other day he spent 20 mins walking around yelling. I have no idea what about. I am guessing it was his way of saying "this rocks and feels so good". I think he has a little Grandpa Bob in his genes and the outdoors revitalze the little guy. He loves his wagon. When we walk outside he immediately heads to the wagon, gets in and starts kicking his legs (thats his go, go, go sign). He gives me this go, go go sign now when I give him a bottle in the night and stop rocking. While this is cute that he doesn't want the rocking to stop, I am usually thinking "please go back to bed. I am so tired". This is around 3AM, so you can't really blame me. Speaking of sleep, our little Emmitt still does not sleep through the night, although it is getting better. He usually gets up twice, sometimes once a night. Poor guy is breaking in 3 new teeth so his sleep has been a bit wonky the past few nights. I usually don't mind giving Emmitt a bottle though. If I have been working it allows me the opportunity to stare at my sweet guy and get some love in. Emmitts awareness is blossoming. He understands many directions and words, although he won't say any of them. When you ask Emmitt to pick a book he now searches for the right book, brings it to you, turns around and sits in your lap. If you tell him to find Percy he searches the room, he will come to you if you call (sometimes), and can even give you a kiss (if you are lucky). We are working on language development, but I think he might be a bit stubborn when it comes to saying things. I think he finally has said Dada a couple of times, says Momma, but that is about it. We are loving on Emmitt these days. He is fun, more self sufficient, and engaged than ever. He is develping a sense of humor and continues to be contemplative and sweet. I still think Emmitt is an old sole, something I said when I looked into his eyes for the first time. He is amazing, what a joy. Enjoy the videos and pictures. I love posting them because it gives me a chance to go back over the weeks, laughing and loving the boy that has blessed our lives.Emmitt is now 13 months, seems to have grown a bit- his pants are fitting better!
Sunday, February 6, 2011
12 1/2 months old, 20lbs .05 ounces 291/4 inches long
So, much to my wonder I seemed to have given birth to a boy. Now, I know you say"...well duh! of course Emmitt is a boy!" but I am talking ALL boy. This guy already loves to do "boy things". For starters, he absolutely loves to pick up the heaviest toys we have (sometimes not toys and instead refrigerator items, clothes baskets, boxes, bags, ect) and carrying them across the house. While he is carrying them he grunts, moans, and heaves as if he is in a muscle man competition. He also has taken to making his MM grunts while climbing steep stairs and pushing things. It is quite humorous. He has learned to make a gorilla sound as well, which is fitting. It is Emmitt pounding his chest saying "ahhhhhhh". Also, my BOY, loves to throw balls, toys, clothes, food, remotes, ect. Sometimes these items are aimed quite well at people and animals(poor Percy), other times it is a random act to see how far he can throw things. It is always funny when the item ends up behind him and he has to figure out where it went. Pounding on things is also a favorite. He always seems to pick the one item that will actually break. Most recently, he enjoys pounding the new bath toy his aunt Sara gave him on the side of the tub. Unfortunately, there is no way to say to a 1y/o "you will break that if you continue", so he pounds away and I pray it doesn't break. More boy, my manic boy, running around the house nonstop into coffee tables, walls, people, cats, doors, crib, toys, all while screaming. He normally has bruises on his body from these adventures in running. When we went to the doctor recently he had a black eye. She of course had to ask how that happened. Even though I knew it wasn't my fault I am sure I looked guilty. Her response when I told her he plowed into the coffee table was to say "sounds like he is a boy". He has found a new love of jumping on the bed and his crib mattress. Mostly this occurs when we are trying to lotion him up after bath and before bed. He escapes from our slippery hands bounds across the bed to the corner and starts jumping. Even though we are thinking "it's time for bed Emmitt, come on, I'm tired", we have to laugh because it is so cute and he knows how truly amused we are. A boy trait (I am sure girls do this too) is not one I am fond of, hitting. He has started hitting me, his dada, the cat, and the nanny. He hasn't hit any other children, yet, but is about to move in with his cousins in Colorado, so I am sure the hitting of other children is around the corner. Another boy thing, loves to hear himself burp, finds it to be amusing, smiles, sometimes laughs. Anyways, my baby boy definitely has the Y chromosome! The adventures in boyhood for me, are just beginning. Over the past few weeks Emmitt got to celebrate his birthday with friends at Gymboree. All the babies were turning 1 in January so they had the opportunity to play with Gymbo (the clown you will remember from other posts), climb around, eat cupcakes (Emmitt wouldn't eat them), and run around (really only Emmitt was running) in bubbles. Bubbles are one of Emmitt's favorite things at Gymboree, aside from Gymbo. He gets really close to the person blowing them, stops, and reaches WAY up high. He then tries to find the bubbles that have landed on various things and pops them. We have also been taking lots of walks in the park(Emmitt on the search for dogs) and a new thing is to take wagon rides. Emmitt LOVES the wagon. He holds on tight to the sides and makes a grunting sound to say "go mama go". He then starts saying "ahhhhhhhh" to hear his voice vibrate as the wagon goes around and around the block. After he is finished with riding in the wagon he wants to push it. He pushes it (while grunting) up and down the sidewalk. Stopping occasionally to see if he is actually pushing it or if it is really Momma pulling it. He smiles when he realizes that he has in fact moved the wagon himself. What does Emmitt like to eat??? Well, it is constantly changing. I guess the books say Toddlers change their minds about food all the time. Lets hope he sticks to being a pretty good eater, but he is related to his cousin Holden(kind of a picky eater), so who knows how long his love of food will continue. He does enjoy string cheese, always wants a Satsuma, and usually prefers food Kevin has cooked, as opposed to the steamed veggies and noodles momma serves up. I think it is the salt. Sad to say, Emmitt will probably get too much salt in his diet in this house. But, he will know what good food tastes like thanks to his Dada. To end this post, I know not terribly exciting, we say "GO PACKERS" for Grandma Jo and Dada. Emmitt wore his packers sweat suit given to him by his Grandma Jo and watched some of the game with his Dada. Fortunately, his team won. I am sure he would have been devastated if they lost...oh wait I am thinking about Dada. Thanks Jo for the cute outfit. It fits him well and as you can see he looked SUPER CUTE. That's it for now. My BOY is all cute, funny, adventurous, and boyish. Maybe he will suprise me and be a flamboyent purple wearing fashion desiger when he grows up. That would be fitting!
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