My Baby still loves his bottle, especially in the bath! Although sometimes this is concerning, mostly I don't care and really don't think it will affect his development!
Emmitt...ALMOST 2!
So sorry it has been so long since the last post! With all the holiday mayhem I just haven't had an evening with energy and time to catch up. Also, I am having difficulty posting videos. So I spend a long time trying repeatedly without any success. I am super bummed about this because I have several great videos. So, I might need to find a new way to post the videos. Until then enjoy the pictures we have collected. This was Emmitt's second Christmas. He understood the concept a little more. He definitely understood "presents" and can say both presents and Santa. I don't think he has a clue as to why we have a tree in the house or kept talking about Santa. What he did enjoy was all the fantastic gifts he was given. They keep giving and giving! So, what is the little guy up to these days? Well, his verbal skills are quite astonishing. He will try to say anything and everything you ask. Sometimes he uses words correctly and other times he tries it out a few times until he gets the reaction he is looking for. For example: "everybody". While at Sara's house for Christmas I said to him after nap "lets go downstairs and see everybody". He then proceeded to say "everybody" when he would see anyone in the house. Very cute! One of the cutest words he says is "Sara". He enjoys saying her name over and over, when around her he calls out her name...even when he doesn't really want her. I of course have video of this but can't show off his cuteness on this blog. Another favorite is "apple juice" and "buffalo". I think he started with "apple juice" because his cousin Killian drinks insane amounts of the stuff. But, what is funny is that he doesn't like it or drink it and he continues to ask for it, just says it for the heck of it, and pretends to make it when cooking in his play kitchen. "Buffalo" started long ago when my dad gave him a Buffalo stuffed animal. So the word has been around for a long time, however then I showed him a movie about a creature called the "Gruffalo". He called it a "Buffalo" throughout the movie and now calls lots of things Buffalo's. Sometimes he is close, like calling an Ox a buffalo and other times he just cries out for a Buffalo. I think he likes the way it sounds and feels when he says the word. What does Emmitt like to do these days??? He still is very physical. He especially enjoys jumping on the bed, couch, and chair. He loves to run around the house naked after bath and puts on quite a show for all to see. When you are watching this naked madness it is very obvious that he is PROUD of himself. Emmitt also is obsessed with Dinosaurs. He has just begun to actually play with them and requests others to join in. Unfortunately, he doesn't know how to talk well enough to have dinosaur dialogue so he mostly just roars! Another fun (OK sometimes it is not so fun) activity that Emmitt has taken to is cooking. Not surprising since cooking runs on all sides of his family. He has a stool that he stands on and we let him put spices and pasta in a pan. He loves this activity and cries out "cooooooooking". Considering Emmitt is almost 2 he continues to be a joyful child. Yes, he has started to throw the occasional tantrum and can be quite feisty when he wants, but mostly he is funny, relaxed, and definitely engaged in his surroundings. I just can't believe it has been 2 years since he blessed our life. I think the amazing thing about raising a child is that you love them more each day. Each day I think I can't love him more and then I do.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I am going to make a concerted effort to send out a New Years card/letter. But if not Please don't give me any **** for it. Life is busy!
So sorry it has been so long since the last post! With all the holiday mayhem I just haven't had an evening with energy and time to catch up. Also, I am having difficulty posting videos. So I spend a long time trying repeatedly without any success. I am super bummed about this because I have several great videos. So, I might need to find a new way to post the videos. Until then enjoy the pictures we have collected. This was Emmitt's second Christmas. He understood the concept a little more. He definitely understood "presents" and can say both presents and Santa. I don't think he has a clue as to why we have a tree in the house or kept talking about Santa. What he did enjoy was all the fantastic gifts he was given. They keep giving and giving! So, what is the little guy up to these days? Well, his verbal skills are quite astonishing. He will try to say anything and everything you ask. Sometimes he uses words correctly and other times he tries it out a few times until he gets the reaction he is looking for. For example: "everybody". While at Sara's house for Christmas I said to him after nap "lets go downstairs and see everybody". He then proceeded to say "everybody" when he would see anyone in the house. Very cute! One of the cutest words he says is "Sara". He enjoys saying her name over and over, when around her he calls out her name...even when he doesn't really want her. I of course have video of this but can't show off his cuteness on this blog. Another favorite is "apple juice" and "buffalo". I think he started with "apple juice" because his cousin Killian drinks insane amounts of the stuff. But, what is funny is that he doesn't like it or drink it and he continues to ask for it, just says it for the heck of it, and pretends to make it when cooking in his play kitchen. "Buffalo" started long ago when my dad gave him a Buffalo stuffed animal. So the word has been around for a long time, however then I showed him a movie about a creature called the "Gruffalo". He called it a "Buffalo" throughout the movie and now calls lots of things Buffalo's. Sometimes he is close, like calling an Ox a buffalo and other times he just cries out for a Buffalo. I think he likes the way it sounds and feels when he says the word. What does Emmitt like to do these days??? He still is very physical. He especially enjoys jumping on the bed, couch, and chair. He loves to run around the house naked after bath and puts on quite a show for all to see. When you are watching this naked madness it is very obvious that he is PROUD of himself. Emmitt also is obsessed with Dinosaurs. He has just begun to actually play with them and requests others to join in. Unfortunately, he doesn't know how to talk well enough to have dinosaur dialogue so he mostly just roars! Another fun (OK sometimes it is not so fun) activity that Emmitt has taken to is cooking. Not surprising since cooking runs on all sides of his family. He has a stool that he stands on and we let him put spices and pasta in a pan. He loves this activity and cries out "cooooooooking". Considering Emmitt is almost 2 he continues to be a joyful child. Yes, he has started to throw the occasional tantrum and can be quite feisty when he wants, but mostly he is funny, relaxed, and definitely engaged in his surroundings. I just can't believe it has been 2 years since he blessed our life. I think the amazing thing about raising a child is that you love them more each day. Each day I think I can't love him more and then I do.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I am going to make a concerted effort to send out a New Years card/letter. But if not Please don't give me any **** for it. Life is busy!