Friday, December 17, 2010

sweet baby boy. He looks a little bald here, but Oh so cute!
Our friend Mira took some family pictures as a baby gift. Thanks Mira!

can you tell he loves this! This kid needs a yard!

pushing toys in Sara and Jim's great yard- Emmitt Loved this
Getting close to Hannah bear

"wow, did you know they have a refrigerator too"
He is still making the "Ghost" face.
"Your beard is so fuzzy"
"Grandpa Bob, I love this sweatshirt"
"aye, dios mio" (not sure if that is how this should be spelled)
again, "I don't know"
"I don't know"
"ok, I'll just eat whatever you are cooking instead"
"grandma connie, will you let me touch the hot stove"
"I just gained 4 lbs"
The dogs on guard.
"yummmmm. Food at Aunt Sara's house tastes goooooooooooood"
"stop taking pictures of me"
This is one of Emmitts imitation looks. I think there is a video of him making the sound. I don't know how to write the way it sounds.
He matches his dump truck
Emmitt- 11 months on the 20th, 18lbs 4 ounces- 100% cute (ok, I am a cheese ball- the x-mas kind, now I am a bigger cheese ball)

It has been a LONG month in our house! Emmitt has either been puking, pooping, coughing, or teething. The poor guy can't catch a break(okay, what I really mean is that Mom and dad can't catch a break). It all started after Thanksgiving. I got the flu, then a few days later Emmitt got the flu, and of course then Kevin got the flu! Laundry was at an all time high! Then, Emmitt started breaking in about 3 teeth (this has been an ongoing process). Just our luck the FDA took off the shelf the Teething tablets we had been relying on and Emmitt was quite fond of. To end the month Emmitt and I took a trip to Colorado and on our last night there Emmitt developed quite a cough. It developed over the next 12 hours until it got quite scary, a bit of labored breathing, and we took him into the pediatricians office. The diagnosis was croup! Poor, poor baby. Now, all is much better (except the tooth Emmitt was breaking in last night). Hopefully we can finish the year healthy! I won't hold my breath though. Okay, enough complaining. What is E up to these days? Well, he has mastered many of the talents he has been working on, imitation, "I don't know", Ut oh (don't know how to spell that), throwing things, saying "ick", shaking his head in "no" (only sometimes does he know he is saying "NO"), saying "Momma", and raising his hands up when you say "how big is Emmitt". He still loves to play hide and seek and "where is Emmitt". That is the game he plays in which he puts a blanket, towel, diaper, napkin etc. on his head and you say "where is Emmitt? Where is Emmitt?" and he removes the item and you say "there he is!". It is all very cute. Most of the photos are from our trip to Colorado. You will see Emmitt eating in many of them. His cousins enjoy eating very much. They pull out their highchairs several times a day for a snack (much to Sara's dismay). So, Emmitt jumped on the bandwagon and started eating like a horse. The first day he enjoyed Chicken Tika. Can you believe that? He had a great time in Colorado. At first he was a little overwhelmed by the boys and dogs, but soon he settled in and just started to prepare himself for a dog kiss, tail whack, or cousin Holden push down. Holden was not always so found of Emmitt. I think he was a bit jealous of Emmitt stealing Papa (g-pa Bob) time. The dogs, however, LOVED emmitt. They followed him around certain he would be dropping food along the way, which he usually was. I decided we need a dog to clean up after Emmitt eats. We are preparing for x-mas with g-ma Jo. Looking forward to her visit. Then it will be on to Emmitt's first birthday! I cannot believe how fast this year has gone. My baby is definitely moved on to toddlerhood. It is wonderful, but I do miss that snuggly little baby at times. Guess we'll have to have another someday (don't get any ideas we are NOT pregnant or planning to be anytime soon). For now it is the joy of my life to watch Emmitt learn, love, laugh, play, and even not sleep. Merry X-mas. We love you all. I promise to send out a holiday card at some point in the next few weeks. (hope I don't regret that promise!) Enjoy the pics and video!

Monday, November 29, 2010

waking up is hard to do
Kevin sporting Emmitt toy jewelery

The wonder of snow!
The cutest jammies Ever. We think he looks like an old man in his union suit

Emmitt and Katherine

It's snowing!

Grandpa Larry!
Prebath nakedness
Yes, he still loves to dig in the fridge. I have started this kid on many bad habits. This is just one of them.
Kevin giving Emmitt the LOVE MONSTER. Emmitt loves this from his dad.

Oh' meal time. A good opportunity to take pictures of E getting down and dirty. He is also pretty funny during meal time and has lately taken to throwing his food and everything else.

Eatin shoes
Every morning Kevin makes "Emmitt play land". He has been doing this for several months now. I just finally decided to take a picture. Just one of the MANY really wonderful things Kevin does for Emmitt.

Emmitt is a man on the move these days. Since the last blog post he has perfected his walking abilities so much that he forgets he needs to concentrate on walking and falls a lot! He looks like a bruiser, his forehead covered in bumps and bruises from hitting edges of tables, walls, toys, ect. He has had a few really painful falls, but mostly recovers quickly and flashes a sweet Emmitt smile. In the past 2 weeks he has also had several other accomplishments these include saying "Mama" while reaching out for me. This was obviously a super moment for me. He has learned to snap his fingers. I know you say "what? How could a 10 month old learn how to snap his fingers?" Well, that is what we said. At first we thought the nanny must have been working on this talent with him. However, I asked her yesterday and she denies that she had anything to do with the snapping. SO, I guess Emmitt just picked this up from our random dance and sing sessions (which occurs often in this house). He is clearly a genius! At least that is the only explanation we can come up with. Either way, it is super cute. He will do it on demand, but really does it when music plays. Along with snapping he has learned to shrug his shoulders in a "I don't know" gesture, I think he called the cat an "at", he imitates everything we do, and seems to be quite proud of himself. I think rightfully so! Over the past two weeks Emmitt has also been cutting new teeth. When he is finished he will have 4 more toofers! I can't believe it, that is half a smiles worth. Emmitt continues to enjoy food. He prefers to eat whatever you are eating and if he has to eat by himself, he mostly wants fruit. These include bananas, mangos, pears, and Honeydew. He LOVES honeydew. He grunts and yells when he sees it coming out of the fridge. Emmitt had a visit from his Grandpa Larry over Thanksgiving. He quite enjoyed showing off his talents to Larry and his friend Katherine. I think they all enjoyed their time together. During the week it snowed in Seattle, so Emmitt had his first experience with snow. He had the typical Emmitt response which was to look up, smile, and study the snow coming down. Emmitt continues to be a super star in this house. He is full of energy, laughs all the time, and has begun to whine relentlessly when he wants something he can't have. I am sure this trait is par for the course over the next...oh' lets see 20 years. We are amazed by Emmitt daily and his sponge like brain. Can't wait to see what ability he surprises us with next! Until next time, Happy Holidays!

There are lots of videos. Some might not be that great. It gets to be hard to sort through them all and then remember which to post. So, I just post a bunch, good or bad. enjoy!