Cookin with dad |
Emmitt and his best friend Amy! |
Chips and dip.....yes in the tub! |
Emmitt loves to pretend he is taking a nap or going to bed. He likes me to lay down, he gets blankets, stuffed animals, and pillows. This is all very sweet, except I always want to go to sleep and the pretend sleep only lasts about 1 min. This picture is sweet! |
The gang! |
Family Picture! |
Just a little hike with a wonderful Grandma! |
I don't think I look like I have as much fun in the Horse tank with E as Kevin does. Do you? |
Yes, naked play as well. |
We made a river for the dinos and animals to cool off in. |
Naked watering at the Cabin. I love his socks. |
Get her! |
Puuuuuuuuusssssshhhhhhhhhiiiiiinnngggg Aunt Kelly |
Holy Crap, is Aunt Kelly trying to throw my kid off the deck??? |
Going CRAZY with Aunt Kelly! |
Exploring the "forest where the fairies live" (that is what I say and Emmitt believes me!) |
Had a wonderful time with these two! Miss you both! |
Emmitt is very polite, when he wants to be. He was giving Grandma Jo a hand in getting up. |
Hiking with Daddy! |
I think Grandma Jo loves him! |
Windsor Park...of course he had to take his shoes off for better traction. His father taught him this. |
Killian is such a sweetie. He always plays with Emmitt and puts up with his 2 year old ways. |
Emmitt loves this T-ball stand at Aunt Sara's house. He can REALLY whack the balls. So hard, you have to move out of the way when he gets started. Sweet low rider pants, ta boot! |
Strong boy! |
I think I love him! |
I think he is happy! |
Like Father, like Son |
Horse Tank Love! |
I hope he wasn't trying to drown his Daddy! |
Oh' man Daddy! |
I told you Beer is a part of everything at the Cabin and can be used for lots of different things. Bless Beer. |
A little hike with Grandma Jo. |
Papa and the Horse tank |
Peas from Nana's garden! |
Naked building |
Helping to build the deck |
"This new deck is AWESOME!" |
"what's the plan Papa?" |
Love him! |
Watching the action with my 3 favorite guys! |
Jimi gettin Crazy! |
Of course we drink beer when doing pretty much anything at the Cabin. |
That is one big ass tree! |
"I don't think that is a good idea", oh wait that is just what my Mom, sister, and I were thinking. |
Watching the action! |
Papa and Jimi decided to cut down some Beetle Kill trees. If you haven't noticed the Fire danger in Colorado/Wyoming is a little high. The boys watched them cut the trees and then push them over. Of course they then wanted to help. Jimi Helped E with this one...yeah right. Now when we go to the cabin Emmitt walks around looking for trees to push over. |
HORSE TANK TIME! This battle broke out after Emmitt and Holden were just splashing in the water with their hands. Nana took the battle to a whole new level by throwing both boys in and then getting in herself! |
The guy loves a good swim |
Swimming with the Devereux's |
Looking for bugs with Nana |
The cabin can be very exhausting for a little monkey. |
This was actually a very 2 y/o moment. I wanted to take a walk. Emmitt did not. So, he sits. |
Deciding if he should throw this piece of wood for Nohku (Papa's dog). My mom told me to stop throwing sticks/pine cones to the dog, in hopes he would stop bugging every visitor to throw things for him. I laughed and said "tell the boys that". I don't think E will stop anytime soon...no matter how annoying that dog can be. |
A hike at the cabin. Sometimes a guy has to just take a break. |
looooonnnggg. Amazing what you waste when you have a munchkin around. We go through a carton of eggs a week because he demands that he cook an egg every morning (much to Kevin's dismay). He says he will eat it before he cooks it and then wants nothing to do with it once it has cooked. I will say I was amazed to see him crack an egg, with one hand, perfectly! Cooking genes have passed on! |
What the... |
Oh' this isn't so bad! |
Get it off! |
Tape is no longer so much fun! |
Playing with tape. Got the best of him. |
Emmitt P.
2 1/2 years
Growing at an astonishing rate
weight: not sure but a woman at the pool called him a "tank", so I am guessing he weighs a lot
Favorite foods: Popcorn (especially after his first Movie theater movie), Cheddar puffs, black olives (ate a can tonight), peanut butter (only on a spoon), Daddy's chicken (smoked on the grill and requested just like that "Daddy's chicken"), mac n cheese (requested for every meal, Daddy's Chicken is an acceptable substitute), cucumbers, Ice cream, and cupcakes (only the frosting).
Favorite Drinks: Milk (still from a bottle), water= awesome the kid won't drink juice!
So this is officially the longest I have gone without a post in 2 1/2 years. That is what full time employment, summer time fun and visitors, and a very very active 2 year old will do. So, sorry all you dedicated followers, I have been a slacker. Plus side is now this will likely be the longest post ever! Over the past 2 months we were fortunate to have a month long visit by Grandma Jo. She retired in June and came out to find a new home. Well she did, and now we have a vacation home in Windsor Colorado (just kidding Jo). During Jo's visit we were also lucky to have a visit from Aunt Kelly. Emmitt LOVES aunt Kelly. I think the feeling is mutual. During this time we took a trip to the cabin (which you can tell we do often) and had lots of fun afternoons out at the Zoo, the pool, and just climbing and jumping around, well Emmitt did most of that. We have also had trips to the cabin to spend time on the new deck, visit with other dear friends, and to just get a break from the city. Emmitt loves the cabin as much as we adults do. He especially loves to run around naked (well he does that at home too). He loves to take "hikes", look for bugs, push over dead trees, and especially loves to play in the horse tank (another word for a Wyoming swimming pool). He requests trips to the cabin and is always sad to say goodbye, although is usually asleep before we hit the highway from no naps and constant activity. Other summer activities have included pool time at the City pools and in the back yard, lots of sprinkler time, trips to the park, playing with Amy, and Ice Cream, Ice Cream, Ice Cream. Emmitt is a full on little boy now. He talks CONSTANTLY. Mostly to be understood, although we still get the occasional gibberish. If you ask him what he said his response is "i know know". He is extremely loving, gives fantastic hugs, and requests a kiss and hug before I leave for work daily (unless some show has taken away all ability to notice his mother is leaving for the day). Emmitt is also constantly exerting his independence and decision making abilities. Bedtime now consists of bath refusal, running through the yard screaming "you no take me" (usually naked), prizes are given for teeth brushing because holding him down didn't seem right, and then sleeping in my bed, of course. Emmitt usually decides if we are or aren't going someplace. His new saying or refusal is "I can't" or "you can't". For example: Me: do you want to go to the pool today? E: "I can't". I think to myself "what the **** you are such a lucky little boy to be offered this opportunity and you say "I can't"! We'll see about that! He usually wins...you would be surprised how little fight I have left :)
Some funny Emmittism's and stories I have been collecting...
When Emmitt wants to say he didn't mean to do something, like whack me in the face with a toy he says "sorry mom, didn't mean"
"I don't like THAT bottle" (he is so spoiled)
At the park Emmitt always wants to make friends. He is so freakin social. Unfortunately, he is often ignored. One day he found a little girl and boy he REALLY wanted to play with. He followed them around saying "hey girl, hey boy wait for me". Precious! When we left he yelled "I have to go home now. See you soon"!
We went to the Natural History museum and were looking at the Walrus diorama and he named the 3 adult and 1 baby Walrus "that one the baby, that one the Momma, that one the Daddy, and that one the Grandma Jo"
My favorite: Emmitt loves my jewelry. One morning as I was getting ready for work Emmitt cried out that he needed his stool. I gave it to him, of course wondering how late for work I was going to be, and asked him what he needed it for "to get up there", pointing to my jewelry box, "I too little". He then proceeded to pull out necklaces and bracelets, admiring each one with oooh and "that pretty". He tried a few on and then turned to me touching the necklace I was wearing and said "Ohhh, that really pretty. What is that". I was wearing a stone. It was like one of my girlfriends admiring my jewelry. He is so cute!
Anyways, Emmitt is a joy and says so many cute things. I can't possibly remember to write them all down, but do my best. I am certain he is growing into a smart and of course Olympic athlete, and if not maybe he will design my jewelry when he grows up!
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