Friday, January 7, 2011

Greatest day of the year party. Hangin with Uncle Gribas and Bob.
Emmitts NEW favorite chair. It twirls!
"Greatest day of the year" breakfast, biscuts and gravy!
Grandma Jo trying to contain the monkey in the bath. He only wants to stand and walk around. The grandparents are mortified. Kevin and I gave up. Guess who runs this house?
Bathtime fishing gear
Grandma Jo brushing Emmitt's teeth for the first time. He freakin LOVES to have his teeth brushed, especially if you brush your teeth with him.
Grandma Jo love at Christmas dinner.
Christmas dinner. Emmitt did amazing. He sat in this chair for 2 1/2 hours. Ate like a horse. 1 hour past his bedtime and not a whine! He is SO cool!
We provided Emmitt with lots of entertainment during his Christmas dinner, it worked.
Kevin and his wonderful Mama
Grandma Jo was instrumental in keeping Emmitt a star throughout Christmas dinner!
Thanks for the Puzzle Aunt Sara. It is possessed and makes the animal noises when nobody is in the room. I finally put it outside for awhile because it freaks me out. I think I should just remove the batteries.
what's that you got dada?
Oh, these veggies shake, rattle, and roll.
Great stocking stuffers Aunt Sara and Grandma Connie!
Let the festivities begin! He really wasn't that into it. Can you tell?
Christmas numero uno!
Grandma Jo learned the wrestle monster moves! I think Emmitt was enjoying himself. Thanks Jo, you did a wonderful job rolling around with Emmitt!

Emmitt Checking out Uncle Gribas. Sometimes he is scared, sometimes he is a silent observer.

Emmitt is 11 months 2 weeks old- Cuter than ever! Not sure about his weight but if I had to guess I would say it is somewhere around 20lbs. He is not a very big guy. He is all muscle, no fat. So sweet! He is wearing 9-12 months clothing, starting to outgrow the 9 month stuff.

Emmitt is amazing. I know you have heard it all before...but it is true. So what has amazing Emmitt been up to. Well, he loves to imitate. He observes how you play with a toy and then tries to imitate it. He has a profound love of books. He picks out a book, not just any book, he really thinks about which book he wants and then brings it to you. As you open the book, Emmitt gets this look of pure joy on his face and then shivers with excitement. It is the sweetest thing you have ever seen. What is hilarious about it though, is that he doesn't necessarily want you to read the whole book, but instead has favorite pages he wants you to turn to. What else has he been up to? He has continued his adventures in walking. He impresses everyone with his ability to almost run. He takes HUGE steps. He is the star of his Gymboree classes (mostly because none of the other 11 month old - and often older- babies can get around like he does). The staff gasp at his ability to snap his fingers, climb up the slides, clap, say "I don't know" when asked where Gymbo the clown is, stay focused on one goal, and walk to whatever it is he really wants in the room(mostly to climb the stairs that are not part of the class- only Emmitt). For me this is a two fold situation. On the one hand I am so amazed and proud of Emmitt's abilities, on the other hand I spend most of my time trying to get Emmitt to stay in one place, not walk over to the plastic bin filled with "Gymbo the clowns" and cry, watching the other babies stare in amazement at the teachers while sitting in one place! I finally bought Emmitt a real pair of shoes. He had been wearing Robeeze (leather moccasin type shoes). But, after going to REI with my dad yesterday and watching Emmitt basically run through the entire store I decided it was time.(OK, they were also half off- that ones for you Jo) It was pretty hillariouse at first, when I put on the first pair of shoes he started walking like a cat with something stuck to it's feet. After a while though, he got the hang of it and I have to say looks pretty freakin cute in shoes. What else, what else. Emmitt is now more opinionated than ever. I think we have definitely headed into toddlerhood. Emmitt whines for what he wants (sometimes for hours), he gets mad at me and attempts to hit my face, kicks at me, and makes it very clear when he is mad by having a mini temper tantrum. The flip side of this is that he is also more loving. I can get him to snuggle me before taking off for the day. He smiles all the time, laughs at the funnest things, finds humor in himself, is independent, strong, and intelligent. If you can't tell I love this guy. Sorry the pictures are not better this go around. For some reason I had a lot of blurred pictures over Christmas and some videos would not upload. Anyways, enjoy!

Oh' and I take back my promise of a Holiday letter or card. I simply don't have the time or energy. I knew I would regret that statement. Maybe next year. Consider this your holiday greeting from the Jacksons.

Love to you all. Thank you for your support and love. It is wonderful sharing Emmitts life with you. Thank you for tuning in and giving positive feedback about the blog and our sweetheart. Emmitt is truly wonderful and has changed our life in so many amazing ways. I hope you all get a chance to meet him soon. XOXO

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